Although highly vulnerable because of age and comorbidities, CWL officers and members throughout the Philippines have painstakingly tried to bring God closer to the people in these challenging times through selfless service to the most affected families. Thus, amidst the pandemic, various projects and activities through its thrust – HOPE (Holiness, Outreach, Pastoral Involvement and Empowerment), were put into action by the CWL throughout the country, responding with empathy and compassion to help. CWL Philippines National President, R. Rita Mariano, M.D. tells us a little about the activities they have carried out.
- Almost everyone joined in daily prayers, Oratio Imperata to end COVID 19 pandemic, Liturgy of the Hour, Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer, Holy Rosary, Memorare, reciting 2000 Hail Mary’s, novenas, First Saturday devotions, reflections, Bible sharing, processions, daily and Sunday Holy Masses via internet/digital access: youtube, facebook livestreaming, television, radio, etc. because of quarantine lockdown in the country. On later dates, private masses, live with face masks, face shields and social distancing.
- We promoted 24 hours – round the clock “Holy Rosary Praying” with vicariate and unit members assigned per hour to end this pandemic.
- Women attended Lenten Recollection, Spiritual Talks, and other Lenten activities (Pope Francis’ Holy Masses and Urbi et Orbi at Vatican), praying the Holy Rosary, Holy Hour, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Stations of the Cross, Visita Iglesia, daily Holy Masses through live streaming in Vatican, Manila Cathedral and local archdioceses/ dioceses with days of prayer, fasting and works of mercy.
- We celebrated online Holy Masses during Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday other Feast Days (Divine Mercy, Ascension, Pentecost, etc.).
- Some units managed to go to their Mary’s Woods to pray the Holy Rosary and novena on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima.
- Family bonding and praying together are encouraged and strengthened, as well as with neighbors and community.
- We aired in our towns the praying of the Angelus at 6 am, 12pm, and 6 pm.
- We continue with the evangelization program of CWL Diocese of Parañaque Duc in Altum Hour every Wednesday 10:00-11:00 am Live Streaming @Facebook Cbs Dwad via phone patch at Sis. Ena Miranda’s condominium.
- Listened to daily live stream Almusalita of Rev. Fr.
- We compose songs of praises to the Lord, poems, and other prose pieces to commemorate how a CWL fruitfully and meaningfully spent each moment during this segment of a lifetime.
- We took snapshots to show how God has been shepherding His flock even in the midst of this pandemic. The Lord never left us!

- All senior CWL members are role models for the community by following strict compliance of the preventive measures of the COVID 19 (obedient to quarantine protocols, stay at home, use of face mask, face shields, social distancing, frequent washing of hands, etc.)
- All sent prayer messages, update and directives regarding COVID 19 from government to members and officers with messenger account.
- Financial aid of Php 5,000.00 to CWL sister infected with COVID 19 in the Diocese of Parañaque.
- Continuous monthly financial assistance to four Diocese of Parañaque sick priests at Php 2,000.00 monthly per beneficiary.
- CWL National gave Php 100,000.00 to Caritas Manila.
- Monetary donations for fire victims, orphanage, and less-fortunate CWL-DOP sisters amounting to Php 92,000.00 by Sis. Ena Miranda.
- Almost all gave personal and/or CWL unit, vicarial, diocesan financial assistance and relief goods in kind like sacks of rice, grocery items, food packs, vitamins, diapers for those in need (the marginalized sector of society - poor families, disabled, elderly, etc.) including seminarians through their parishes/ dioceses.
- Almost all members shared meals, snacks; donated/repaired/bought PPE’s, N95 masks, 70% isopropyl alcohol for barangay and hospital frontliners and health workers.
- Provided milk for children.
- Feeding Programs observing the proper social distancing with face mask during distribution.
- Provided 300 pieces of PPE’s to Tri-City Medical Center in Pasig and Php 100,000.00 cash for testing kits to Lung Center.
- First responders to donate washable masks to frontliners and the oldies. These face masks were made by some senior CWL members in our respective communities.
- CWL members as prayer warriors, visited and comforted the sick and elderly praying with them for the Lord’s healing.
- CWL sisters visited Bahay Maria to give cheers to the elderly.
- CWL sisters prayed for dead members during wake and condoled bereaved families who lost their love ones through social media because of quarantine rules and precautions.
- CWL members do home kitchen, roof, backyard and urban vegetable gardening for family, neighbor and friend’s food consumption.
- Tree planting.
- Contributed for the upkeep, cleaning and expenses of the parish churches.
- Cleaned their houses, removed unnecessary things and beautify their premises.

Pastoral Involvement
- Regular Monthly National Board Meetings through Zoom, Viber, Messenger, etc. Likewise, some archdioceses, dioceses, units are also able to have their regular monthly meeting and activities through zoom, SMS messaging, etc.
- Opened CWL chat groups for senior and junior members (unit, diocesan and national) in Facebook, Messenger, Viber, etc. for easy communications with CWL sisters.
- Some senior and junior CWL members joined parish, government and other society organizations as volunteers in the repacking and distribution of goods and social amelioration program in the different sectors of the community.
- Some members (not yet senior citizens) volunteered their services, donated, solicited donations in cash and in kind; cooked food, repacked relief goods and joined the parish priests in the house to house distribution of relief goods and gift certificates from Caritas worth Php 1,000.00 each to poor families.
- Some members celebrated their birthdays or some important events in their lives by giving food packs and rice to underprivileged neighbors. Some harvested rice, corn, etc. from their farm or Bangus from their fishponds and distributed to poor neighbors.

- Social media plays a vital part on communication to CWL sisters in their specific areas
- National Board Monthly Meetings through zoom, viber and messenger.
- National Execom Meetings through zoom, viber or messenger
- Communications with the CWL National Office through emails, viber, messenger, Facebook and other internet means.
- All sisters gather inputs on this deadly disease Covid 19 information’s, preventions, and news which are shared to members.
- Some diocesan board conducted seminars/ workshops.
- Selling of home and farm produced crops like vegetables, fruits (mangoes).
- Recycling of tin cans for seedlings to be sold
- Livelihood Projects for members and friends through virtual way – Zoom, Facebook, Messenger, Viber, and other internet methods while on quarantine:
- how to make scented & decorative candles
- how to bake calamansi muffin or cupcakes, pan de sal, doughnuts, loaf breads, etc.
- making fruit and vegetable preserves for sale, barter or donation
- embroidery on woven blankets
- rosary making by senior and junior CWLs
- poultry raising and selling chicken and eggs
- Making beaded bags, wallet for sale
- virtual lessons for Junior CWLs like cooking, painting virtual games, spiritual enrichment
- online selling of goods (baked products, processed and cooked food)

Junior CWL Philippines
The activities of Junioro CWL Philippines range from spiritual nourishment and involvement in parish activities to caring for the environment and reaching out to those in need. The Junior Committee Chairman, Ms Lorna Josephine C. Gabitan states “we have packaged a holistic development of our Junior CWL members as worthy individuals of society and as Catholics in mission”.