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Monthly message May 2018

st elizabeth

This month is dedicated to Our Lady, and we want to put under her special protection our path towards our General Assembly and all WUCWO life. This year May 13th –WUCWO day – will fall on Sunday, so we have the possibility to involve more people in the celebration.

We want to share our experience without any exclusiveness. Pope Francis in Amoris Laetitia states that if there is love “there is no room for discomfiture at another person’s good fortune (cf. Acts 7:9; 17:5). Envy is a form of sadness provoked by another’s prosperity; it shows that we are not concerned for the happiness of others but only with our own well-being. Whereas love makes us rise above ourselves, envy closes us in on ourselves. True love values the other person’s achievements. It does not see him or her as a threat. It frees us from the sour taste of envy. It recognizes that everyone has different gifts and a unique path in life. So it strives to discover its own road to happiness, while allowing others to find theirs.” (AL 95)… “Love inspires a sincere esteem for every human being and the recognition of his or her own right to happiness… This same deeply rooted love also leads me to reject the injustice whereby some possess too much and others too little. It moves me to find ways of helping society’s outcasts to find a modicum of joy. That is not envy, but desire for equality.” (AL 96).

WUCWO women do not consider themselves a private exclusive club, but a way to be present and active in the Church and, at the same time, to promote the dignity of every person in the world: carriers of “living water”. May Mary Queen of Peace help us to be witnesses of Jesus’ love without fear.

REGINA CAELI (Angelus during Easter Time)

Queen of heaven, rejoice. Alleluia. 
For He whom thou didst deserve to bear, Alleluia. 
Hath risen as He said, Alleluia. 
Pray for us to God, Alleluia. 
Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia.

Because Our Lord is truly risen, Alleluia.


Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley was born in New York City on August 28, 1774 to a prominent Episcopal family, and lost her mother at the age of three. In 1794, at the age of 19, Elizabeth married William Magee Seton, a wealthy businessman with whom she had five children. William died of tuberculosis in 1803, leaving Elizabeth a young widow. After discovering Catholicism in Italy, where her husband had died, Elizabeth returned to the United States and entered the Catholic Church in 1805 in New York.

After some difficult years, Elizabeth moved to Emmitsburg, Maryland, in 1809, where she founded the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s, the first community for religious women established in the United States. She also began St. Joseph’s Academy and Free School, planting the seeds of Catholic education in the United States. Her legacy now includes religious congregations in the United States and Canada, whose members work on the unmet needs of people living in poverty in North America and beyond.

Mother Seton, as she is often called, was canonised on Sunday, September 14, 1975 in St. Peter’s Square by Pope Paul VI. She was the first citizen born in the United States to be given the title of “Saint.”

Further readings

Evangelii Gaudium 264-267

Caritas in Veritate 3-5

Amoris Laetitia 95-96

Social Teaching of the Church 204-206