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General Assembly 2018

The four resolutions adopted at the General Assembly in Dakar

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1 - A HEALTHY PLANET DEPENDS ON ALL OF US. In accordance with the whole Magisterium and in particular with the Encyclical Laudato Si

In the face of the plastic waste crisis that is flooding our oceans and landfills, WUCWO and its member organisations, not only as "carriers" but also as "caretakers" of "living water" will promote the protection of and respect for the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources, in particular drinking water, to which end:

1) WUCWO member organisations and International Representatives will encourage, through education, projects, and advocacy the urgent reduction and eventual elimination of single use plastics and the re-use and recycling of disposable plastics.
2) WUCWO member organisations and International Representatives will advocate for the elimination of toxic waste.


2- LET US TAKE CARE OF THE FAMILY IN DIFFICULT SITUATIONS, ESPECIALLY ITS MOST VULNERABLE MEMBERS. In accordance with the whole Magisterium and in particular with the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia

WUCWO will network to:
1) Promote and advocate:
-Public policies and legislation regarding:
forced migration and respect for human dignity
2) The regions will promote through their organisations:
-The protection and care of the most vulnerable members of the family, encouraging actions to defend life and those with physical and mental disabilities.
-The protection, nutrition, and education of mothers and newborns, pregnant women and single mothers;
-Education campaigns on responsible sexuality for families and teachers which take into account the protection and love for children; promoting the teachings of the Church related to the spiritual meaning of sexuality (Theology of the Body) and warning about the danger of ideologies opposed to the teachings in Amoris Laetitia;
3) WUCWO will promote awareness of the proper use of new information technologies and the dangers that new technology can pose. WUCWO will educate its members to recognize problem areas of technology to include the common warning signs, such as the early exposure of children and adolescents to pornography, and of the various crimes committed through technology. The role of parental supervision will be emphasized.
4) WUCWO member organisations will comply and advocate for the protection of minors and vulnerable persons from abuse as requested by Pope Francis, according to the guidelines received from the Holy See.


3 - LET US ELIMINATE DISCRIMINATION AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. In accordance with the whole Magisterium and in particular with Evangelii Gaudium Apostolic Exhortation (212)

WUCWO will promote concrete actions for the elimination of discrimination and violence against women and the family by:
-Promoting among its member organisations education in the integral formation of men and women in the recognition of and respect for their equal and complementary dignity.
-Promoting sympathetic recognition and care for victims in families, schools, the Church, the media, local authorities, and related organisations, whether denominational or not.


4 – LET US EDUCATE TO RESPOND TO THE CALL TO HOLINESS. In accordance with the whole magisterium and in particular with the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate.

WUCWO will encourage its organisations to live a spirituality of holiness, as proposed by the Holy Father in his recent Apostolic Exhortation.
It will organise sensitisation sessions to become aware that life is mission and that to be holy is not to be perfect, but to try and trust in God the Father's help to achieve it.
WUCWO will promote the formation of all persons, especially young people, in the human, spiritual, religious, doctrinal, apostolic and professional fields, transmitting founding family values.
It will encourage the participation in politics of women with true Christian values, so as to generate healthy government policies for the good of citizens.