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Regional News

The return home - Cameroon

Efoua ZengueThe "Mamans Eucharistiques du Monastère," a diocesan association of Cameroon, present at WUCWO Meetings since its affiliation to this worldwide Christian organisation in 2011, welcomed the priority adopted at the Dakar General Assembly on "the call to holiness."

On their return home, they were received by their archbishop, who had seen them leave for Senegal after a solemn Mass. They noted that the Church in Cameroon does not know WUCWO and its functioning as such. They decided to address two problems in the immediate future:

• To transmit to the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon its already remarkable record of national recognition, in order to be able, in the future, to make WUCWO known and speak about it at the level of the Assembly of Bishops with which it also collaborates;

• To organise meetings with the numerous other Catholic Women’s Associations (about one hundred) to promote WUCWO at the local, diocesan and national levels in Cameroon.


Rachel Efoua Zengue

Les Mamans du Monastère, Cameroon